Knee Cartilage
Injury Treatment in Dubai

A knee Cartilage Injury can be painful and debilitating. It doesn’t heal on its own, and if left untreated, cartilage injuries can potentially lead to knee arthritis, with long-term effects on knee function. Knee Cartilage Injuries are most commonly caused during sports or recreational activities such as running, jumping, and playing basketball.

What are the symptoms of a Knee Cartilage Injury?

Knee Cartilage Injury Treatment In Dubai



Typically, NSAID medications, like Ibuprofen and naproxen, are recommended for managing knee pain. A variety of injection therapies can also be used. In addition, it is important to ensure that you are not taking these medications without the doctor’s precise instructions.


Exercises such as Yoga that focus on improving the mobility and strength of the knee muscles are often encouraged for pain management that occurs due to a cartilage injury.


Various surgical techniques for knee cartilage injury treatment in Dubai include: 

Simple Microfracture

This procedure uses a small sharp pick to create a network of holes in the bone that lies at the base of the articular cartilage injury. These holes allow blood into the injured area to form a clot.

OATS Surgery

Osteoarticular transfer system (OATS) is another surgical procedure that is done in order to correct focal defects in the cartilage of the knee. This procedure involves removing and replacing the injured cartilage with healthy cartilage taken from another area of the joint.

Osteochondral allograft

In this technique, cartilage tissue is taken from a donor and then transplanted to the injured site after sterilisation. Osteochondral allograft is used when the cartilage defect is too large to be treated by an autograft.

Cell-based cartilage resurfacing

In this technique, some of the patient’s cartilage cells are harvested, grown, and re-implanted into the area that has damaged cartilage. It helps in generating cartilaginous tissue and provides long-term stability to the knee.

Knee Chondroplasty

A knee chondroplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the surface of the knee by removing damaged and abnormal cartilage, as well as excess bone. Removing the damaged tissue allows healthy cartilage to grow in its place.

Knee realignment surgery (Osteotomy) 

An osteotomy is a surgical technique in which the bone is cut and moved to allow for a different shape or position of the bone. This surgery can be used to help treat knee injuries such as cartilage damage with a malaligned knee and can also be used to help relieve pressure on the kneecap. 

Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery, or knee arthroplasty, replaces the injured knee joint with an implant or an artificial knee joint. It thus helps relieve pain and restore functions in the knee. 

Dr. Rik Kundra is a specialist knee surgeon with extensive experience of more than 19 years and always aims to provide customised orthopaedic care using evidence-based treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

The knee joint is formed by the thighbone (femur) and the shinbone (tibia) (patella). To be precise, two types of cartilage protect and cushion the bones in the knee: articular cartilage and meniscus cartilage. Sudden twists and turns while loading the knee can result in articular or meniscus cartilage tears. A meniscus tear may occur in conjunction with an ACL tear.

Knee cartilage can also deteriorate with time. There is a risk of cartilage loss in the knee as tissue quality deteriorates due to overuse or ageing.

Natural healing
After a cartilage injury, a 6-week period of non-weight bearing is required, but full recovery can take up to a year to fully heal and regain a full range of motion. Also, maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle plays a vital role in recovery.

Recovery post-surgery

Most patients can resume some physical activity after 6 to 8 weeks, but full recovery from cartilage repair surgery can take up to 6 months. Furthermore, continual motion can also help a great deal in quick recovery.

When a cartilage fragment is damaged or breaks away, it can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the knee. When the joint moves, there is a grinding or clicking sensation. As a result, daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, bending, squatting, and kneeling may become difficult and painful.

While cartilage does not regenerate or replace itself, it can be repaired or replaced through a variety of treatment options. Many cartilage injuries can be treated non-surgically with physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. This is especially true if your lifestyle is sedentary to moderately active.


All content and media on this page are created and published for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Meet Dr. Rik personally for appropriate medical diagnosis and advice.

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