Everything you need to know about Golfers' knee injury

Golfers' knee injury

The knee is the most commonly injured joint in golf, second to the lower back. This is because the golf swing places a large amount of torque on the structure of the knee.

Studies show that it’s less stressful to jog (or run) around the eighteen holes of a golf course than to actually play golf. The force exerted on the forward knee by swinging a golf club is 4.5 times as by the golfer’s body weight and 3.2 times more for the other knee.

This can happen very quickly because the swing is completed in just 0.23 seconds, and the upward swing takes about 0.82 seconds to complete. This speed difference helps to explain why most accidents occur with amateur and professional golfers for swings that would take as short as one second under ideal conditions.

The top three golf-related injuries are:

  • Tendonitis and tendinopathy
  • Meniscal and ligament tears
  • Provocation of degenerative change.

Tiger Woods had arthroscopic knee surgery and ACL repair to his left knee, the most commonly injured knee for a right-handed golfer.

How to avoid golfers’ knee injury


Golfers’ knee problems have been associated with the rotation required during the backswing and follow-through. This can be minimized by allowing full rotation at the hips and low and mid-back muscles.


Tips for maintaining healthy knee joints


  • Eat healthily and maintain an ideal BMI.
  • Always use good footwear and equipment.
  • Make sure you do proper strengthening and stretching exercises.
  • Follow a regular exercise program.


Recovery after golfers’ knee injury


  • Maintain a more upright stance.
  • Start with short swings (half and three-quarter), progressively working up to a full swing.
  • Stretch and do strengthening exercises, including icepacks.
  • Use spikeless shoes with arch supports.
  • Knee braces give good temporary relief but are not ideal long-term, as they can weaken muscles and affect proprioception. Cycling and rowing are best in the recovery phase.


What to expect while visiting a consultant


Your knee consultant will want to watch you and look at your injury on the consultation day. X-rays are good for investigating fractures or for looking at how severe osteoarthritis is. MRIs better assess soft tissue injuries, including ligaments, tendons, and meniscal defects.

Arthroscopy is a day-case procedure undertaken under general anesthetic in which removal of loose bodies, formal evaluation of the internal structures of the knee and cartilage repair, and meniscal surgery can be performed. Recovery time is usually 1-2 weeks. Golf can be safely resumed progressively at four weeks.

Total Knee Replacement

Golfers with significant arthritis may require a total knee replacement. People can now have custom-made knee replacements specifically designed for them, resulting in a better fit and improved likelihood of returning to a more normal lifestyle. After six weeks, golfers can usually walk softly again, advancing as the pain decreases.

Looking for consultation and medical assistance for sports injury treatment in Dubai? Contact us or book an appointment right away for Dr. Rik Kundra, a leading orthopedic name with 19+ years of experience.


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